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THE INITIATIVE GROUP “Kick Russia out of the UN” proposes to consider the following list of issues to be discussed at the Round Table “#unrussiaUN” within the framework of the World Economic Forum in Davos.

1. The Russian Federation’s entry into the UN-political naivety, geopolitical scam or criminal conspiracy?
– Content and historical and legal consequences of the Alma-Ata papers;
– Activities of the UN Secretariat in 1991;
– Tacit consent of the member states.

2. Restoration of justice in the UN (to stop the illegal participation of the russian federation in the UN) as a prerequisite for further reform of the Organization.
– Options for legal solutions to the problem of illegal presence in the UN;
– Redistribution of the former USSR’s seat in the UN Security Council;
– Plan of the international campaign on recognizing the fact of illegal presence and academic research of the problem.

3. Prosecution for the crime of aggression committed by the russian federation together with its allies against Ukraine.
– Advantages and disadvantages of the options of international tribunals/courts;
– The range of subjects and ways of bringing to justice;
– List of charges and evidence base.

4. Reparations for aggression
– Legal grounds and procedure of impose;
– Principles of damage calculation and sources of payments.
Participation: members of the Initiative Group and invited experts (professors from Ukraine, USA and Great Britain), invited and interested in the discussion (total number of participants up to 20 people). Duration (approximate) – 2 hours. With the possibility of video recording, possibly with the participation of television.
Venue – within the framework of the Davos Forum. Date, location and specific time are under discussion.
Visiting is free, coffee break is possible.

Contact persons:
Max Baryshnikov, +380979524613;
Iouri Loutsenko, +491753790514

Latest news

News and Information #unrussiaUN

Congressman Gregory Meeks

Davos. Support #unrussiaUN

initiative group in Davos

We’re joined by Geoffrey Nice
Аеропорт у Чорнобаївці
Viktor Yushchenko #unrussiaUN
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Request to the UN Secretariat. Review

Borodianka #unrussiaUN

Request to the UN Secretariat. Review

Borodianka #unrussiaUN

Request to the UN Secretariat. Review

Borodianka #unrussiaUN

Borodianka #unrussiaUN


Вбиває дітей і досі є членом Ради Безпеки ООН! Як вигнати Росію з організації?



Thomas D. Grant (exclude Russia UNSC) 5 Jan 2023

За боротьбу із тероризмом в ООН відповідає російський спецслужбіст

Initiative group

We, in support of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, created a petition in which we demand the UN to provide documents which prove Russia rightfully occupies a seat in the UN Security Council and the UN in general. In the absence of such documents, we demand the termination of the fictitious membership of the Russian Federation in the UN. The doors of the UN for the Russian Federation must be closed, because in order to join the UN, the Russian Federation, in accordance with Article 4 of the UN Charter, must stop the aggressive war in Ukraine and return to its internationally recognized borders. Only peace-loving states can become members of the UN.

Maksym Baryshnikov

Lawyer, co-founder of the “BKB” Law Firm, volunteer, publicist
Pavlo Frolov

Pavlo Frolov

Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and a public figure. Member of the Permanent Delegation to the OSCE PA. 

Thomas Grant

Professor of the Cambridge University, specializing in International Law, Fellow of the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law

Ihor Kharchenko

Ukrainian diplomat. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine. Ambassador of Ukraine to the Republic of Poland 2003-2005, Ambassador of Ukraine to the United Kingdom 2005-2010, Ambassador of Ukraine to Japan 2013-2020
Piotr Kulpa

Piotr Kulpa

Auditor and Legal Advisor at the Supreme Audit Institution of Poland, Former Member of the Polish Government, Lecturer at Kyiv School of Public Administration.

Iouri Loutsenko

literary scholar, PhD, former lecturer at the University of Alberta (Canada), former employee of the Federal Government of Canada, the Washington Post and the World Bank

Artem Mykolaychuk

PR director of the Civic Hub, publicist, volunteer


British barrister and judge. He took part in the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and was lead prosecutor at Slobodan Milošević’s trial. He is chair of the China Tribunal and the Uyghur Tribunal.

Eugene Vindman

Retired Colonel of the US Army. Expert on national security and international law. In the past, Deputy White House National Security Legal Advisor, United States

Volodymyr Yelchenko

Ukrainian diplomat. Chairman of the UN Security Council in 2001. Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN in 1997-2001, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN Security Council in 2000-2001 and 2016-2018, Ambassador of Ukraine to the USA, Russia and Austria

Oleksiy Zhmerenetskyi

Member of Parliament of Ukraine. Ukrainian politician, public figure and publicist, expert on innovative development of society

Asks not to be mentioned

Asks not to be mentioned

Petition – Kick Russia out of the UN

With the current UN Membership, Russia is neither a part of the council nor a member. Russia is the only country which did not go through the procedure of being admitted into the UN, according to Article 4.

According to Article 23 of the UN charter, Russia is not a permanent member of the UN Security Council!

The UN’s current charter says that the Soviet Union still exists, while Russia is not mentioned altogether.

We demand that Antonio Guterres and the UN DGACM exhibit documents certifying the Russian Federation’s membership in the UN. If such documents are absent — we demand an end of Russia’s fictitious membership in the UN.

Russia should be barred from the UN, as according to Article 4 of the UN charter, only peace loving nations can be part of the UN. Russia must stop waging an agressive war in Ukraine and return to its internationally recognized borders!

Such a course of action would remove Russia’s UN veto power, which blocks many peaceful resolutions, and restore peace and order to the international community.


Step one

Provoke international publicity and start large-scale information campaigns that highlight the problem of Russia’s illegal membership in the UN around the world.

Step two

Demand verification of the powers of the Russian Federation’s delegation as a “continuator of the USSR” in the UN Security Council.

Step three

Compel the UN General Assembly to vote on the Draft Resolution on the verification of the powers of the Russian Federation’s delegation.

An open letter to the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Dear Mr. President!

We, a group of activists, representatives of non-governmental organizations and concerned citizens of Ukraine, who signed below, express our unconditional support for your initiative to recognize the absence of legal grounds for the Russian Federation to be among the members of the United Nations General Assembly and permanent members of the Security Council UN.


WHO members vote to move Moscow office and urge Russia to stop attacks on hospitals
Member states vote to relocate the office to Denmark by the end of the year, in response to health impacts of Ukraine conflict
Put Ukraine on the U.N. Security Council
In Vladimir Putin’s war against Ukraine, one of his weapons is Russia’s status as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council…
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ABC News
“If we let Russia’s aggression stand, if Russia gains what it is seeking to gain out of its aggression against Ukraine, really the entire framework that we set up in 1945 is at risk,” Thomas Grant


Russia is not the successor of the USSR. history of the question
In order to understand what legacy Russia has illegally appropriated for itself, it is necessary to consider the history of the creation and liquidation of the Soviet Union.
Previous experience. case study: China, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia
The UN Security Council demonstrated a precedent of requiring a special resolution of the General assembly to confirm the succession of a permanent member in the case of a state/constitution change.
Plan of actions. propositions and argumentation
Given the fact that the UN Secretary General did not ignore Boris Yeltsin’s letter and asked the President of the Security Council to inform all members of its content; that none of the Security Council members raised any objections to Yeltsin’s request to confirm the authority of the Russian Federation in UN structures as well as change the representatives of the USSR at the UN into representatives of Russia — the process of restoring justice will not be easy.


Адвокат Баришніков: як вигнати Росію з ООН? Є хард та лайт-варіанти. Інтерв’ю
Російська Федерація не є постійним членом Ради безпеки ООН. У списку в Статуті ООН наявний Радянський Союз, але немає жодної згадки про Росію.
Найбільша геополітична афера ХХ століття: чому перебування Росії в ООН безпідставне
ми розглядаємо позбавлення РФ безпідставно набутого статусу членства в ООН та РБ ООН як елемент системи гарантій безпеки України в майбутньому.
На зарегистрировали петицию с требованием выгнать Россию из ООН
На глобальной платформе зарегистрирована петиция с призывом выгнать Россию из Организации Объединенных Наций. В тексте петиции сказано, что Россия не прошла процедуру приема в ООН по статье 4 Устава ООН.

In simple words

russia fraudulently took possession of the USSR’s property — membership in the United Nations, and a seat in the Security Council of this respectable organization.

Russian committed this illegal act in front of the entire world’s eyes; Boris Yeltsin issued a Vorontsov certificate to the permanent representative of the USSR at the UN, which allegedly states that the Russian Federation, since December 24, 1991, retains all the rights and obligations of the USSR, including financial ones.

It’s that simple— they printed a text, and put a stamp with the date and signature. This piece of paper was handed to the Secretary General of the UN before Christmas and Russia immediately claimed the rights of a member of the UN and a member of the Security Council, only changing the name plate of the country from “Soviet Union” to “Russian Federation”. *That is, they didn’t even spend money on tickets and telegrams.