Congressional hearings
Friends, great news. We will have a US Congressional hearing on russia’s illegal presence in the UN and
ways to expel russia from the UN. The hearing will be in September, right before the UN General Assembly session. We very much hope and support the process that will finally open the eyes of the world.
It’s too bad that in the US the #unrussiaUN initiative group, founded by Ukrainian NGO Civic Hub, was able to do better on the issue of russia’s expulsion from the UN than in Ukraine. If all the benefits were clearly communicated to Volodymyr Zelensky and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was functioning, the Ukrainian president, thanks to his authority, would have long ago gathered a coalition and kicked russia out of the UN.
We hope that the congressional hearings, with the participation of members of the unrussiaUN initiative group, Maksym Baryshnikov and Thomas Grant, will prevent the Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials from ignoring the russia issue at the UN any longer.
Friends, great news. We will have a US Congressional hearing on russia's illegal presence in the UN and ways to expel russia from the UN. The hearing will be in September, right before the UN General Assembly session. We very much hope and support the process that will finally…
— Denis Danilov (@DenisDanilovL) August 5, 2023